Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Life And Times Of The World - 2124 Words

The Life and Times of T.S. Eliot When reading T.S. Eliot’s work one can see that the weight of the world often rested upon his shoulders. During the time period Eliot lived in the world was in a state of turmoil. Events such as World War I, The Great Depression, and World War II all occurred throughout the course of his life. Many of Eliot’s works were influenced by his childhood in America, his time in Europe, and by notable poets he read over the course of his life. According to John Worthen, an accomplished biographer, some of these were French poets such as â€Å"Rimbaud, Laforgue, Verlaine and Corbiere† (23). Despite all of these events in and around Eliot’s life, the most influential force on his writing career was during his marriage to Vivienne Haigh-Wood. Thomas Stearns Eliot, or T.S. Eliot, as the world would come to know him was born in St. Louis, Missouri on the 26th of September, 1888 (5). The NY Times states that Eliot came from a family of à ¢â‚¬Å"some privilege that had a good background in the intellectual, religious, and business life of New England† (3). Eliot was in possession of great intelligence, but he often lacked in emotion due to the demands of the Unitarian faith his family embraced. When talking about his childhood Eliot once said: â€Å"I was brought up to believe it was a selfish indulgence to buy candy for oneself† (qtd. in Worthen 12-13). Eliot’s writing was also influenced by those he grew up with as evidenced by some of the pseudonym’s he used in hisShow MoreRelatedHow do Life Expectancy, Maternal and Infant Health Changfe Around the World and in Time?1528 Words   |  7 PagesWORLD HEALTH STATISTICS: HOW DO LIFE EXPECTANCY, MATERNAL AND INFANT HEALTH CHANGE AROUND THE WORLD AND IN TIME ? â€Å" We are living longer and healthier† state World Health Organization ( WHO) and all world organizations. 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