Monday, December 30, 2019

Synthesis Of An Iron ( IIi ) -oxalate Complex - 1423 Words

EXPERIMENT 4A: Synthesis of an Iron(III)-Oxalate Complex: To begin, a filtering crucible was washed, labeled, and dried in an oven for one hour. While the experiment was performed, the filtering crucible was set-aside in a desiccator to cool and stay dry. After this was done, a mass of about 1.2 g ( ±0.2 g) of iron(II) ammonium sulfate hydrated salt (Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 ∙ 6H2O) was measured and recorded. It was then placed in a 50-mL beaker with 3 mL of deionized water and 1-3 drops of 6M sulfuric acid. The beaker was then swirled until all of the salt particles dissolved. Then, about 6 mL of 1 M oxalic acid was added to the solution in the 50-mL beaker. At this point, the pH was checked to ensure that solution was acidic. If it wasn’t acidic, then an addition of 6 M sulfuric acid may have been needed. This solution was then gently boiled, with boiling chips, for about five minutes to break down the precipitate. While the solution boiled, it was essential to swirl the solut ion. Once the solution had cooled down, the supernatant was decanted and put in a waste beaker, and the precipitate was washed with clean, hot deionized water. This precipitate was rinsed three times. The supernatant and wash solution wastes were then thrown away in waste containers. Then, 3.5 mL of 1.7 M potassium oxalate solution were added to the beaker with the rinsed precipitate. This solution was warmed to about 40â„Æ' and it was constantly stirred. The solution was then removed from the Bunsen burner, andShow MoreRelatedSynthesis and Component Analysis of an Iron (Iii) Oxalate Complex7868 Words   |  32 PagesExperiments 4A-C: Synthesis and Component Analysis of an Iron (III) Oxalate Complex My Name TA, Section B## Work Performed on 10/23, 10/30, 11/4, 200# Report due Tuesday, November ##, 200# 1. Abstract This experiment initially involved the synthesis of an iron (III) oxalate complex with the general formula Kw[Fex(C2O4)y] ·zH2O. The variables x, y, and z were determined through the duration of the entire experiment. From 1.2000g of Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 were synthesized 1.1###g of K3[FeIII(C2O4)3] ·3H2ORead MoreSynthesis and Component Analysis of an Iron (Iii) Oxalate Complex7868 Words   |  32 PagesExperiments 4A-C: Synthesis and Component Analysis of an Iron (III) Oxalate Complex My Name TA, Section B## Work Performed on 10/23, 10/30, 11/4, 200# Report due Tuesday, November ##, 200# 1. Abstract This experiment initially involved the synthesis of an iron (III) oxalate complex with the general formula Kw[Fex(C2O4)y] ·zH2O. The variables x, y, and z were determined through the duration of the entire experiment. From 1.2000g of Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 were synthesized 1.1###g of K3[FeIII(C2O4)3] ·3H2ORead MoreOxalate Lab Essay609 Words   |  3 PagesNovember 8th, 2010 Synthesis and Analysis of Iron(III) Oxalate Complex Discussion This experiment initially involved the synthesis of an iron (III) oxalate complex with the general formula Kw[Fex(C2O4)y] zH2O. The variables x, y, and z were determined through the duration of the entire experiment. Part 1 involves the synthesis of an iron (III) oxalate complex. The iron is first presented in its Fe2+ form, so it must first be oxidized to Fe3+ before the oxalate ion will readily bindRead MoreIons in Our Daily Life2554 Words   |  11 Pagesincluding the ion channels gramicidin and amphotericin (a fungicide). Inorganic dissolved ions are a component of total dissolved solids, an indicator of water quality in the world. Chemistry Notation Denoting the charged state Equivalent notations for an iron atom (Fe) that lost two electrons. When writing the chemical formula for an ion, its net charge is written in superscript immediately after the chemical structure for the molecule/atom. The net charge is written with the magnitude before the sign;Read MoreThe Extraction of Pectin from Orange Peels13647 Words   |  55 Pagesproduced by the use of 0.17% HCL as extracting agent and ethanol volumetric ratio of 0.67 for precipitation are recommended. TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page - - - - - - - - i Certification - - - - - - - ii Dedication - - - - - - - iii Acknowledgement - - - - - - iv Abstract - - - - - - - v Table of Contents - - - -- - - vi List of Figures - - - - - - ix List of Tables - - - - - - - x CHAPTER ONE 1. Introduction - - - - - - 1-3 1.2 Objectives

Saturday, December 21, 2019

A Book Report on Tom Standages an Edible History of Humanity

A Book Report on Tom Standages An Edible History of Humanity Standage, Tom. An Edible History of Humanity. (Ed) New York: Walker and Company, 2010, Print. In the text, An Edible History of Humanity, Tom Standage provides his take on how the past was so deeply affected by food throughout the generations. The book approaches history in a different way altogether: as a sequence of changes caused, influenced or enabled by food. Standage explains that throughout history, food has not only provided sustenance but has also acted as the catalyst of societal organization, social change, economic expansion, military conflict, geopolitical competition and industrial development. As Tom Standage explains, since the time of prehistory to present,†¦show more content†¦The production of agricultural food, the rise of the irrigation systems, and the communal food storage fostered political centralization with agricultural fertility rituals developing into state religions and food becoming a medium of taxation and payment; feasts were used in garnering influence and to show status. Food handouts were used in defining and refining power struct ures. As Tom Standage is thorough in pointing out, before money was invented in the earlier world ,food was the main symbol of wealth. The ability to control food was power. With the ever emerging civilizations in numerous parts of the world, food aided in linking them together. Food-trade routes acted as inter-boundary communication networks that improved not just commercial exchange but religious and cultural exchange as well. Spice routes that spanned the ancient world resulted in cross cultural fertilization in fields which were very diverse, similar then to the fields of architecture, religion and science. The first geographers began to take interest in people and customs from far away places and put together the first efforts at world maps. But by far the biggest change caused by food trade was as a result of the European need to avoid the Arab spice domination. The result of this was the revelation of a new world, the establishment of first colonial outposts by the European nations and the opening of maritime trade routes

Friday, December 13, 2019

Racism from past to present Free Essays

Racism is the belief that a race is superior to all other races and has the right to manage all other races. This term emphasizes the superiority In terms of the biological differences, such as color and gender. In the history, although racism was used to organize daily life in clans, with Greeks it gained its negative meaning. We will write a custom essay sample on Racism from past to present or any similar topic only for you Order Now With the Renaissance and the Reform, Europeans discovered new nations and places. However, according to Europeans’ understanding, these new people can only be slaves. Therefore, racism has actually begun. The first modern fascist leader of European, Mussolini had a strong belief about being racist. He did not give right to live to any thought but his thought. He killed many people. In Dalton, Hitler was another fascist leader who murdered millions of people because of their races. Thus racism has become known. Basically, as both Connelly (2004, p. 72) and Shah (2010, Para. L) say that people have tendency to be superior to others. Shah adds that racism has been used as weapons. As it was in the past, racism still exists all over the world. Proponents of the idea that racism still exist claim that due to laws, racism Anton exist. They also mention that according to the universal Declaration of Human Rights, all humans are equal. They may have a point but laws cannot prevent racism and racists. Laws are valid only racists are caught. In the united States for example, although punishment is serious, racism exists in the aspect of black and white. Blacks have separate neighborhood from whites, they do not like whites’ thoughts or they do not have a white person in their environment. The reason for this is that in the past, whites saw and used blacks as slaves. In today, there is not a comprehension about Ewing slave but whites still humiliates blacks. This causes white racism. Moreover, racists do not have to show how they believe or they do not have to discriminate. They can only have thoughts of being racist and laws cannot catch or prevent this kind of thoughts. The reason why racism still exists is the human nature regarding inferior and superior. First, in the aspect of superior, they are naturally arrogant people. This class thinks that they are superior to everyone in everything. Therefore, they humiliate other races. Due to physical characteristic of other races, they make a trooper for specific races and they become prejudice. Europeans prejudice about Arabians can be given as an example. They think that Arabians are dirty and they smell bad. This situation causes racism today. Moreover, superior race thinks that they have the right to determine other races’ rights, such as how they think, where they can live or whether they can live or not. Hitler for example, had a great power to take lives of Jewish people. Today, similarly to Hitter’s reason, there is a problem called smuggling of people. Generally, people who are smuggled are from either Africa or Middle East, they were never European. Smuggling soul exists because superior races think that they can employ them illegally. Second, in aspect of inferior people, there is a fear of superior ones. Being a criminal race produces that kind of fear. As Russell (1 998, p. 124) mentions Willow’s thesis about black crime causes white fear, white racism caused by Black and Latino men. If they did not have this high rate of crime, there would not be white fear. Furthermore, another kind of fear from superior happens as action and reaction. If Europeans are racists to Arabians, then stay away from Europeans because they feel inferior. Another reason why racism still exists is what happened in history. They may have not happened because of racism but they trigger racism today. First, events about economy have really changed the world. After the Reform and the Renaissance, colonialism came into the world. India was one of the countries colonized by England. As Marvin states, â€Å"At any rate, no serious effort has ever been made to colonize the country, and the English who go to India think only of acquiring the largest amount of money in the shortest possible time, and returning home to enjoy it in their beloved fatherland† (2006, p. ). Thus, today racism still exists between India and England. Second, political history caused racism today as well. In the history, states struggled for independence. In Ottoman Empire, for example, there were many nations who live peacefully. However, when the Ottoman Empire started to fall down, Armenian rebelled. They wanted to have their own country in the soil that they l ive in but it belonged to the Ottoman Empire. Because of this situation, Ottomans and Armenian had disagreement. Then that disagreement cause today the so-called Armenian genocide. Now, Turkey and Armenian are prejudiced to each other because of what happened in history. Bad treatment to Armenian or reverse produces racism in both countries. All in all, racism still exists in our world. People should remember that as world and politic changes, terms meanings will either be change or be broaden. While the term racism was used for people who support his race, then it is used for humiliation. In our world, it almost lost its meaning because today anything can be racism, such as prejudice or difference of thoughts among nations. Racism is not biological differences anymore. How to cite Racism from past to present, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Don Giovanni the Characters and Their Music free essay sample

The Characters and Their Music Giving Characters character is one of the most interesting challenges in operatic composition; another is composing for all the specific characters. A composer has to distinguish between characters through his music. Jan cant sound like Fran, and Dan cant sound like Stan. Each character must have his/her own traits. Mozart opera, Don Giovanni, provides us with many different characters to compare and contrast. One scene In particular lends Itself to the comparison of Don Galvan, Leprosy, and The Commentator. Scene fifteen of Act two, places all three characters In close interaction with each other, making it easy to compare and find out how Mozart and his Librettist Lorenz dad Pone brought them all to life. The libretto provides the main character traits of Don Giovanni, Leprosy, and The Commentator. It gives an easy way of distinguishing between the characters. Don Giovanni is portrayed as being smart, charming, and brave, yet selfish, arrogant, womankind, and pompous. We see all of these traits In the final dinner scene. These opposing traits set up a love hate relationship between Don Giovanni and the viewers.Leprosy on the other hand, is wimpy, subservient, nervous, and a bit dumb. He is often the butt of Don Giovanni Jokes, and is always being bossed around. He can be thought of as the comic relief of the opera. In the dinner scene we get a definite feeling of Leprosy being a wimpy idiot. After being slain by Don Giovanni, the Commentator returns as a statue. He Is portrayed as being a mighty, powerful, and ominous. He tries to make Don Giovanni repent for all the terrible things he did. In the dinner scene he Is truly a powerful being from beyond. His power is demonstrated when he sends Don Giovanni down to hell.The above character descriptions are what Lorenz dad Pone et up for Mozart to compose his music to. We now can observe how Mozart used musical devices to give each character his own flavor. One area to compare is the rhythmic traits of each characters musical lines. Leprosys nervousness and fear In the dinner scene Is exemplified through a very Jumpy unsteady rhythmic vocal line. Mozart really makes his nervousness obvious by Glenn him notes no longer In value than a quarter note. Mozart uses dotted eights to sixteenth notes to make his part especially disjointed. This creates the effect of someone shaking from fear as they are trying to speak. Mozart also uses a continuous triple pattern, which begins at measure 470, to create a rambling effect. Leprosy seems to have lost his sanity from fright of the statue, and Is now babbling Incoherently. Don Giovanni and the Commentator have very different rhythmic vocal parts then Leprosy. They are much more bold and brave then Leprosy, so Mozart gives them a more solid rhythm. The Commentator has the most stable part out of all of them. He has many whole and half notes. The stability of the rhythm adds to the confidence and power of his character.The only time his rhythm becomes quicker is when he is yelling at Don Giovanni to repent. Don Giovanni shares many similar rhythmic traits as the Commentator, although It has a little more diversity. Don Galvan shifts from being appropriately varies the speed of Don Giovanni rhythm. An example of this occurs at measure 522. Previous to this measure, Don Giovanni has a stable rhythm with most words occurring on the strong beats. It abruptly changes to a short offbeat eight note. Rhythm is not the only musical area that Mozart crafts specifically for each character. He also uses certain melodic lines for each character.The Commentators musical lines are the most striking. He often has huge leaps in his part, giving the listener a full dose of the impeding force he is. The space creates a feeling of something bigger and more powerful then a mortal. It is important to note that a lot of these giant leaps are not easy. There are many augmented fourths, minor sevenths, and other strange intervals that he has to navigate through. An example of the strange interval leaps can be found from measure 552 to 461. This little section takes a break from having a key center and instead floats around between diminished chords.This only adds to the something not of this earth leaning the Commentator gives us. Mozart also uses repeated notes to produce a powerful effect. The orchestral motive moves up by step each measure while the Commentator stays on the same note. This occurs between measures 465 and 470 and again between measures 475 and 478. Don Giovanni once again has similar qualities as the Commentator. The large Jumps are present but they are tonally different. They are often very key oriented, outlining triads or doing some sort of five to one motion. The harmonically stable nature of his vocal part lends itself to his personality.Some of his lines almost sound like fanfares. Fanfares are very bold sounding. Appropriately his fanfare like lines begins at measure 504 when he starts bragging that he is not afraid of anything, even Gods wrath. Without the appropriate use of dynamics, none of the above would come of, as they should to the audience. Mozart makes good use of dynamics by making Leprosy very quiet when he is afraid and hiding. The Commentator is always forte or fortissimo so that his power is evident. Don Giovanni is once again a blend of the Commentator. He has a wide range of dynamics because he has a wide range of emotions throughout the dinner scene.The above examples are Just a few things that Mozart and Lorenz dad Pone did to make sure that the opera was as effective as possible. The next step is to Observe how musicians interpret and express what Mozart and dad Pone created. Ere two productions of Don Giovanni in comparison are The Goldenberg Summer Opera Festival video and the Opera Film Drama socio by Joseph Loose. The two different productions are very good, but they definitely have their own opinions regarding many aspects of the opera. The first major difference was obviously the method of performance. The Goldenberg version was a live production and theLoose version was video with lip-psyching. I felt that neither medium was better then the other. I place the integrity of each version in the hands of the performers. Which had the best singers? The singer who performed Don Giovanni was much better in the live version. Ruggeri Raymond of the video version gave a very good whats on the page performance. On the other hand, Benjamin Luzon of the live version went beyond whats on the page. I really felt like Don Giovanni was on the stage rather then some singer acting as Don Giovanni. He changed his voice and is so much more emotional than the video Giovanni.The video Giovanni keeps the same exact voice for like an emotional person would. An example of this occurs when he takes the Commentators icy hand. He lets us know that Giovanni confidence is frozen and shattered by that icy grip. The video Giovanni reacts as if he touched a cold soda. I also had the same feeling towards the singers who portrayed Leprosy. Stafford Dean of the Goldenberg Festival Opera performed Leprosy amazingly. I think he Nas the best out of all the performers at capturing the true spirit of Leprosy. He seemed much more scared then Joss van Dam of the video version.I thought that the died Leprosy seemed almost too confident at times. He didnt give true Justice to the fear Leprosy actually had. When Don Giovanni is being taken to hell, Leprosy is singing come mi FAA terror, mi FAA terror which translates into, I shall die of fright. Ere video version didnt convince me of that fear. I also thought the video Leprosys triplet sounded out of time. I dont now if this was done on purpose, but I actually thought it helped get the babbling of Leprosy across. Overall I thought the live performance was better, but there were a few things I really liked about the video erosion.Most of the better qualities dealt with the Commentator. I thought John Macaulays singing was more appropriate. In particular I liked his use of vibrato. He Nas very hesitant to let it get too wide. Instead he used a more straight voice; it helped him sound bigger and more ominous. The singer in the live version used a more active vibrato, which caused him to sound like Don Giovanni. The above thoughts are about a very complex piece of music. The fact that it appears to be simple, is a result of the genius of Mozart and his incredibly ability to write music. Is opera works so well because Mozart made it so accessible to regular people. He achieved this simplicity through his meticulous detail to each characters personality. He made sure that Don Giovanni sounded like he should sound: bold, cocky, and charming. Mozart truly wrote an opera that almost performs itself. I feel that if a person can sing the notes, then most of the point has gotten across. If the singer is boring, the listener can still understand the character through his or her melodic line or the rhythmic patterns of the part. Overall, Mozart composed the perfect music for ;ACH character.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Different SOHO Solutions

Introduction In this ever developing technological world, many activities are now carried online in the internet. It is now possible to create your own home based office and transact business online. Other business or activities are considered private by their owners; therefore it is important for them to come up with the ways that will help protect their business activities from the intruders from other places in the internet.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on Different SOHO Solutions specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More SOHO basically stands for small office or home office. The essay will address various ways in which these home offices can be protected from network attacks. Network attacks can originate from various viruses; hence there is need for protection against them. This calls for formidable solutions to protect home office from unnecessary network intrusion. Proper firewall solutions must be put in plac e to guard the home office from network attacks. Firewall is installed at the gateway server to safe guard against network privacy (Easttom 2006). They guard against hijacking, spoofing, sniffing and mapping. These firewall solutions can either be in software or hardware installed in the individual or company’s computers and includes antivirus, and anti-spyware. As the firewall guards against mostly hijacking and sniffing, antivirus will scan you computer against any harmful program that is running in the computer. Types of firewalls There are a number of network fire walls that a person carrying out online business can use.they can be categorized under: packet filters, proxy server and finally stateful packet filters. Packet filters: This is kind of firewall inspects every packet according to the user defined filtering rules and pass or block whatever does not allowed based on the filtering rules. Filtering rules are either based on the IP address source or IP address destin ation. This kind of firewall is fast and can be implemented in the available routers. However, it has no logging facility that monitors any break-in that has occurred. Proxy server This kind of firewall is just an application that helps redirects user’s requests to the main services depending on the company’s security policy. It acts as a communication broker between the customers and the main application servers.Advertising Looking for assessment on it? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Most of the time proxy server operates at the application layer under application gateways or transport layer under circuit level gateways. Application gateway normally operates between the protected and harmful networks (Easttom 2006). Since it operates at the application layer, it checks traffics into details hence considered the most secure type of firewall. Under circuit-level gateway, TCP and UDP are all validated before a con nection through the firewall is allowed. It helps to check the connections made and prevent the packets from being forwarded until all the access control rules have been adhered to. Since it validates TCP and UDP sessions in oblivion of the full idea of the applications that use these transport services, it is considered unsecure. Stateful packet filters This kind of firewall does not compromise the performance and provide a tight security. Unlike the application gateway, it monitors all the data that undergo the network layer but does not process it. It receives a data packet, check the data against the known state of session, if the packet does not conform to the expected session state, it block the rest of the session. SoniWALL SOHO This firewall solution is meant to fully protect businesses connected to the internet from hackers, intruders, destruction and critical business data manipulation. It also helps protect the employees from accessing the private business information thr ough content filtering (Hise 1996). With this kind of firewall, IP address can be easily managed. In conclusion I believe that this kind of firewall is the best for small office as it is easy to install, affordable and it has all the security fractures ranging from IP management, to prevention against network intrusion. References Easttom, C. (2006). Network Defense and Countermeasures: Principles and Practices. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. Hise, P. (1996). Growing Your Business Online: Small Business Strategies for Working the World Wide Web. New York, NY: Holt.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on Different SOHO Solutions specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This assessment on Different SOHO Solutions was written and submitted by user J0anna to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Your Journey is Yours

Your Journey is Yours â€Å"No one can build you the bridge on which you, and only you, must cross the river of life,†Ã‚  wrote the thirty-year-old Nietzsche. â€Å"The true and durable path into and through experience,†Ã‚  Nobel-winning poet Seamus Heaney counseled the young more than a century later in his magnificent commencement address,  Ã¢â‚¬Å"involves being true †¦ to your own solitude, true to your own secret knowledge.† To be nobody-but-yourself - in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else - means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting.  ~e. e. cummings What do all these quotes have in common? They are telling you that the most solid existence is one in which you are true to yourself. You decide who you want to be, and youre willing to strive to be the best of that sort of person. You decide the stories to write. You decide which worlds to fall into and define for readers. You determine the followers you wish to acquire as readers. You determine whether you self-publish or traditionally publish. You decide what youre willing to sacrifice to make a lot of money, or arent willing to sacrifice for the profession to take you over. Do not think that because some marketing program has sold itself to 10,000 writers, that you have to sign on, too. Do not think your books have to be in libraries if thats not your preference. Do not make appearances unless you want to. Screw Twitter if you dont like the lingo. But, and this is a big  but, you also must be willing to pay the price for whatever path you choose. Thats empowering and frightening at the same time. But that is the only way you can become successful . . . You do not have to be like anyone else, frankly. Like cummings basically says above, to be yourself without succombing to the temptation of advertising and hype, is far more difficult than  being a sheep. At the end of the road, how do you want to think of yourself when your journey is done? And trust me, its totally in your hands.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Nursing and Midwifery Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Nursing and Midwifery - Essay Example The previous two steps which are believed to be never ending are then accompanied by performance. Hence, this is a lengthy one for professionals as it is not just based on learning but also on its outcomes in the professional practice, which is why Eraut (2000: pp.234) has put forth that other than its effects on the evaluation regarding the outcomes of professional work, it also impacts its nature. 1.2. Validity of Knowledge, Competence and Practice in Nursing and Midwifery When health care professionals face a situation in which different sources of knowledge, the opportunity for competence, and the adequacy of performance are put forth for selection, such a process is extremely vital for them in structuring their future. The process of coming to a decision regarding the limitation of knowledge and goal achievement may either be commenced through logical verification or commonsensical conjectures. Where health care individuals are still not aware of how far they have come, in nursi ng however, knowledge, competence and performance are essential components that need to be focused on and verified. This process evaluates and affects the ability of midwives and nurses to prioritize medical intercessions, as they are provided with knowledge and assessment skills themselves on the basis of varying probabilities of their position. As the House of Commons Health Committee (2010: pp.12) verified that the understanding of goal achievement, let it be continuous or not, is always reflected by competence assessment tests. This specified combination of professional stance is a vital process in the field of nursing and midwives as it has been divided into sub-divisions of formulations that include the processes like gaining the philosophy, evaluating the theory, working on the methodology, and then implementing it into professional practice. This paper proposes to contribute to the quality of learning and implementing the practices of both nurses and midwives, and the clarif ication of many uncertain formulations. 2. CASE SCENARIO As per the verification that needs to be provided, the question that has cropped up is regarding the â€Å"goal achievement and knowledge achievement of nurses and midwives†. The formulation suggested by many scholars such as Manley (1997: pp.179-190) that knowledge can be continuously increased and articulated by nurses as they gain respect and can influence the health sector, but, it is the formulation of midwives that the process of goal achievement has ended for them as they have gained whatever knowledge or objective they were to grow. A range of indicators of knowledge, competence performance assessment, and pragmatic evidence regarding the effectiveness of both nurses and midwives in measuring these key elements show that the latter formulation provided by midwives is irrational. A key challenge that was identified in all articles reporting on such formulations and the performance assessment was ensuring objectiv ity. 2.2. Comparison and Contrast There is limited evidence about the verification of whether or not midwives should gain further knowledge for competence and professional prac

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Broadband market (internet services) in u.k Essay

Broadband market (internet services) in u.k - Essay Example It was in 2000 that significant migration to broadband started to occur; initially domestic internet dialup was commonly used in the UK. Business users at that time relied on expensive high speed internet connections through dedicated leased lines. This was traditionally the domain of the large business which never minded setting aside colossal sums of money on connectivity. Since the late nineties, broadband options were around but only very few cable operators availed the service to customers at cost effective rates. Homes and Small businesses at this time had very limited options with only sporadic availability of high speed connections. Broadband connection was more of a lottery of location. Throughout the United Kingdom, demand for high internet connection continues to increase on yearly basis. This increase in demand also sees the increase in number of broadband service providers. The business is known to be highly lucrative with its demand base continuously and significantly expanding to reach businesses and homes. With the burgeoning of DSL supply the service has become commonplace in the buyers’ market. Further, the code of practice makes it very easy for consumers to migrate from one provider to another if they feel dissatisfied with the service of the existing provider. In effect this makes the broadband market highly competitive as witnessed in continuously dropping prices whose effect is the reduction in providers’ profit margins. Several internet service providers exist in the UK among which includes BT (currently having a leading market share of 35%), NTL, Orange, Virgin, Tiscali, Be Broadband and AOL. Broadband services offered include satellite, cable and ADSL. According to a survey conducted in the first quarter of 2005, BT had a market share of 25%, NTL 20%, AOL 12% and Tiscali 7%. The competition has necessitated the provision of free re-grades to higher speed services and offering of free incentives by providers

Monday, November 18, 2019

How may genetic and epigenetic phenomena influence cardiovascular risk Essay

How may genetic and epigenetic phenomena influence cardiovascular risk by altering the pathophysiology of plasma lipoproteins - Essay Example The prevalence of cardiovascular diseases is also increasing because of the trend of aging of the population (Rayner and Petersen 2008). One of the most important risk factor for cardiovascular diseases is high cholesterol and saturated fat that is incorporated in significant amounts in everyday diet (Emberson et al. 2003). Programs for saturated fat reduction in the diet in the general population has lead to significant improvement of cholesterol levels in the population of Finland for example, where the program for saturated fat reduction in everyday’s diet lead to significant reduction of the incidence of cardiovascular diseases (Laatikainen et al. 2005). Introduction of effective treatment of dyslipidemia is another factor that can significantly reduce the incidence of morbidity and mortality of cardiovascular diseases. ... ations influence the level of blood lipids within one individual, but also the personal diet has important influence of the effectiveness of statins and other pharmaceuticals (Kajinami et al. 2005). The metabolism of lipids in the organism is complex and is managed by multiple organs and systems. The main lipids in the human organism are the free and esterified cholesterol and triglycerides. Reabsorption of triglycerides starts in enterocytes with the transporters of fatty acids. In the enterocytes fatty acids are then reconstructed into triglycerides and organized with C ester and apolipoproten B48 into chylomicrons by microsomal trygliceride transfer protein (MTTP). This protein is important in normal transport and resorption of triglycerides. Defects in this protein can lead to inherited disease characterized with very low levels of low density lipoproteins LDL called abetalipoproteinemia (Tarugi et al. 2007). But also genetic variations of this protein which is very important in production of chylomicrons in the intestine and VLDL in the liver, are found to be important in the incidence of dyslipidemia in diabetes mellitus type 2 patients (Chen et al 2003). In the study conducted by Chen et al 2003, using gene sequencing they studied the influence of MTTP gene polymorphism and its influence on the triglyceride levels in diabetic patients. It was found that the so called MTTP-493 TT variation of the gene was associated with increased triglyceride and VLDL levels and smaller LDL particle size. In this study we can see that a gene variation is found to be directly connected to elevated triglycerides levels in the blood. But the second important finding in this study was the fact that the same group of individuals had findings of smaller size LDL particles, finding

Friday, November 15, 2019

Environmental Impact on Retail Estate Business

Environmental Impact on Retail Estate Business What promotional strategies can be undertaken when environmental factors affect real estate business? Case study of â€Å"Magical Homes in London and Dubai† ABSTRACT Real estate business is one of biggest market of the business world, contained the largest surplus money of the business. The history of the real estate business is very strange and unpredictable. No doubt is slow moving industry with respect to time but it carries a lot. Past experiences shows that property investment was the first and safest priority in all over the world for long term investments and profit making business. Where the property investors has seen the huge profits there was also a slumps in the property market which made the real estate business an anonymous business. There were number of environmental factors behinds the uncertainty of the real estate business which influenced in the shape of recession, natural disasters, economic condition, political instability and some time in the shape of sports event like Olympics hit the real estate market positively and negatively. On time decisions and effective management can make things easier. Promotion plans and strategies can reduced the impact of environmental factors on the real estate business. This study was about learnt the past experiences and to find out the impact of new environmental factor and their influenced on the real estate market. The aims of the study was to learnt the behaviour of the environmental factors in the modern age with respect of politically, economically, sociologically, technologically and legally. Even in the modern world an other emerging factor was the hosting of sports events like Olympics and worst factor in the history was the recession which influenced the real estate market in very unexpected manners. The objectives of the study was to study the promotional plans and strategies which could be the best deal to reduced the impact of such environmental factors and to enhance the believe of the investors and builder to come forward and join the world leading business for huge profits and gaining. The on time decisions and the suggested strategy can raise the investment in the real estate business. The conclusion and recommendation can explain the objectivity of the study in a comprehensive manner. Chapter one 1 Introduction Real estate property business has a very interesting history of its own. It is a very uncertain and unpredictable market and because of its strangeness, this international business market is very charming for investors and entrepreneurs. The investments in this market usually much higher than expected therefore a huge surplus of money is still lying in this business market. Despite of recent terrible crash of real estate business, still got a large investment to spend. People visiting around the world for peace and looking for luxury living at minimum cost or affordable cost, So customers and investors need to know the ups and downs of the market in the mirror of past, present and future, no doubt its not perfectly doable but at least the research like this can make the investors wiser and predictable and they can think either their investments are in right direction or they going to make a dumb decision. There are number of factors which influence the real estate market directly and indirectly. This research would be the comprehensive discussion of these environmental factors like location, type of land, weather, culture, languages and legal property laws of that particular state. This study would be a revolution in the understanding of real estate property business. Affordable plans, promotions and advertisement can help to guide the investors in the right direction. In todays real estate market every investor is looking for a competitive price to gain a profit as well as the service provider company should be the responsible for the successful delivery of the project, after sales support services, dedicated advantages comes in houses, arrangement of resale of the property, arrangement of rental services and all other strategies which designed to help the investor in order to maximise the return on investments. So this kind of strategies can be undertaken in order to gain trust of investors. 1.1 Background of the study The current situation of real estate property business is very important after a terrible recession (2008-2009) in all over the world. The economic condition of the world developed countries is poor and struggling to get better environment for investments. This situation creates a compotation between the land giants but here the situation is different as we saw, State of Emirates getting better and have a sound position in terms of real estate property business infect Dubai got the attraction of the world investors and entrepreneurs because its past planning and attention in this market. Free hold property law of Emirates in 2003 has changed from its present condition and they are changing the map of the world in the shape of luxurious living, large resorts of islands, desserts villas, world tallest buildings, under water hotel and many more attractions made real estate property business in ‘Dubai a great success story. On the other hand in London situation has changed. After a terrible recession of (2008-2009) which had a worst impact on United Kingdom than European Union .UK is a huge economy of the world and has the opportunity to lead the world. The real estate property business in this country had faced the worst ever condition but now it is getting better day by day and it is going towards the peak point again. UK got the opportunity to host the Olympics 2012 in London. Olympics 2012 such a huge project with operating cost of  £580 millions and it could be increase than the expected cost. Comparison of real estate market of emerging city Dubai and developed country UK has raised many questions in the mind of investors, as time to time both countries has hit by the environmental factors like economic factors, political factors, social factors, cultural and legal factor. The uncertain situation of real estate market has created an economical crisis, because the financial institutions became tougher, the banks became stricter and this situation has affected the potential investors. In this situation real estate companies and the investors needs to adopt the attractive and affordable promotion plans that can develop the interest of investors and buyers. Theses plans and strategies can help to reduce the impact of environmental factors on the business of real estate market. 1.2 Research Background Jones, Lang, Lassalle entitled has given a report called ‘Reaching Beyond the Gold: The Impact of the Olympics on Real Estate Markets examines the impact of staging the Olympics on recent host cities and looks ahead to 2012.It shows that sports event like this has an impact not only on the real estate property business but also on the every institutions of the country. Past experiences shows a positive impact on the property like the prices of property in Sydney is still rising and even the prises are 50% higher than before. So the major impact of events like Olympics is on real estate property business which could be helpful to improve the prices of property after recession. London and Dubai, both of the cities have got their own entity in the market of real estate property business. Past experiences showed that the people of the urban areas have been moving towards rural areas and there were a number of reasons behind this migration. Even in last decade people like to buy or rent their properties in countries like Dubai. In case of city like London the situation will change because of the environmental factor has changed the economic, political, social and legal conditions of the country. UK has improved economically in last few months and the real estate market getting better especially in London and investors has risen dramatically since recession over and being the host city of Olympics. 1.3 Organisation Background This study has a case study of â€Å"Magical homes Dubai†, is a London based company, who dealing with the investors from all around the world, they offering them advice in off-plan, resale, renting or buying property. They are offering their services in UAE and especially in Dubai for buying, selling, renting, reselling of houses, apartment, offices, villas and commercial spaces. ‘Magical homes Dubai provided services to the customers from last ten years, is an expert in providing investment property in UAE and London. In addition providing investors with exclusive and the uniqueness in providing highly sought after property option with the best customer service is the core operation. 1.4 Rationale for the chosen topic The main reason of the topic to be chosen that the demand of the profession and the scope of profession are very high despite of bad turns real estate property business has a vast field of business. Living of people has changed completely and its need to change further in future which opens the new horizons in real estate property business. Infect both the developed and under developed countries have a huge market in real estate business and its growing day by day with passage of increase in population of the world, in other words shelter is the basic need of life and its never gone to end. So its a profession of life and it has a wide scope in international business. Currently if take a look on trends and developments of any country then its easy to say that the real estate property business plays a vital rule in assessment of the countrys economic condition. The real estate property business depends on different environmental factors which are important to study and need to have a good knowledge about so the investment needs to be invest in the right place, for this purpose of knowing this study could be a mile stone. This study would be helpful in the decision making and to find out the save investment plan on the international level. Although, Real estate property business has effected by different environmental factors directly and indirectly but critical analysis of these environmental factors in the light of past and present can make the decision making quite easier for the future prediction. Comparison of big markets like London and Dubai can make the job easier for the investors and entrepreneurs to find out the right choice around the world. 1.5 Statement of the problem World become a global market, any company can make strategy for its local market and the strategy to hit the international market but in this case there could be various environmental factors involved which influence the business either domestic level or international level. Theses environmental factors could be economical, political, social, cultural and legal factors. This study can help to understand the emerging problems of the real estate property business market. The population of any country shows the appreciation of the people and the development in the real estate property business show the growing power. The population of London was more than 8 million and its expected to be rise in the near future. After the recovery of economic crises the real estate property business has grown up and prices of the market is getting better and there will a positive chances of incoming investment for the near future because of the Olympics 2012. On the other hand Dubai has increasing popul ation of 1.5 million which is expected to exceed 1.9 million in 2010. With the increase in population has directly effect the demand of property so the study can guide the investors and the financial institutions that which strategies could be helpful for new plans and promotions. 1.6 Research aims and objectives This study contains a couple of aims and objectives but theses points cover a comprehensive study of knowledge which can provide a handsome idea to the investors and the entrepreneurs around the world.  · To examine the investors behaviour when environmental factors affect the development in the real estate sector. * To analyse the impact of environmental factors on the real estate business internally and externally * To find out the new strategies which could be helpful to reduce the negative influence of environmental factors * To explore the promotional strategies that can be undertaken to help the real estate companies to overcome the crisis  · To determine the new promotional strategies that can be attractive and feasible for the investors internationally The aims and objectives of the study is dame clear as it represents the importance and significance of the study. Real estate property business covers a big surplus of the business and it need to be study in terms of save and profit making business. So facts and s of this market are very uncertain and factors involved in the uncertainty of the market need to be study. These factors could be economic, geographical, cultural, demographical, legal and political. So the economic factor is very important in the real estate property market, it directly influence the price of the property, if the economic condition of that particular is not that well then the prices of the property could be lower than the expected prices but most of that type case the demand goes higher than higher but the supply of the property goes down and down. The political factor is the most affective factor in environmental factors, as the political condition of any country or state has a direct impact on the economic condition, so the more stability condition of the country leads the country towards the most stable place. The geographical factor is also an important factor in the real estate property market as it has direct impact on it, as the location of the property lies in the developed country then the prices and demand of that particular property goes high, and if the geographically it lies in the under developed country then the demand and prices goes down. The factor of the culture has a impact on the real estate property business market, as the culture is the representative of any population if the population have a culture of luxurious life style then the market of the real estate property business will be higher but if it prevail in lower standard living then the real estate property business growth will be lower. Demographical factor is very important factor of the real estate property business market because it has a direct influence with the real estate property business market like the first step of the building of a new housing unit is to commission the demographical study of that particular area, which shows the current population, density and the growth of the population, the age distribution of the population, the average size of the household, the race of the population, the sex of the population and the local market of the population, so demographic factor has its own importance. The factor like legal condition of that particular area plays a very important rule, if the legal condition of the state is worthy, provides facilities to the both buyers and sellers then it can create a big market and can attract the investors but if the legal condition is not that flexible then the investors can never be interested in such type of market. The seasonal factor has a very important place in the history of the real estate business market and it can change the destiny of the nation, as seen in the past that the seasonal events like Olympics had a positive effect on the real estate business market. The objectives of the studies are very clear which lead the study toward desirable results. This study basically provides the feasibility of the real estate property market in the new era of world. It has also conducted to find out the potential of the real estate property market either its a worthy business of market or dumb way of caring a business. This research will provides a brief but a comprehensive outline and relative concerns of the real estate property business market, which includes the brief knowledge of the market sector that how it can work? The pros and cons of the real estate property market, how the demand can be show?, how the property did suit the requirement of the investor?, how the offer can be made?, how to negotiate with the seller?, how the deal can be finalize the deal?, how to meet the legal laws of that particular part of the world?, how to make sure that the property is free hold or lease property?, how the survey of the property can be done?, how the demand and supply can be calculated?, how the demand and supply effect the prices of the property? Etc. it also includes the information about the financial estimate of the property that is very helpful to understand the feasibility of any property matches with the need of investors. It also includes the knowledge of the human resource that is required f or the investment and maintains of the property. 1.7 Structure of the dissertation 1.7.1 First chapter is introduction about the research work, tell about the research topic, its background, history, importance, aims and objective of the study, statement of the problem, scope of the study and then the structure of the study that how the reader can go through the study and find the guide for next study. 1.7.2 Second chapter This chapter was the literature review of the study, which gives the brief but comprehensive guide of the study that has a complete knowledge about the research that was done in respect of the topic chosen. 1.7.3 Third chapter This chapter is regarding the research methodology used in this study and has followed the recommended ‘harwared style of referencing and research process and eventually select the method of the research used to get the primary data and processed the secondary data. 1.7.4 Fourth chapter This chapter was about the outcomes and finding knowledge of the research study made, which gave a comprehensive idea of the solution of the problem. 1.7.5 Fifth Chapter This chapter was about the conclusion and recommendation of the study. The conclusion of the study was about the guideline for problems solution and some suggestions for the company or any other institution having same kind of difficulties and the recommend the way for further studies. Chapter Two 2 Literature Review In previous chapter of introduction presented the basic theme of this study that what has been discussed in the rest of the study. It showed the main aims and objectives and what research question have discussed to find the objectives of the study. In this chapter of literature review, a strong formation of knowledge and the efforts made in this study or the related study will be discussed that leads towards the finding and conclusion of the research work. Promotional strategies can be undertaken when environmental factors affect the real estate business and it is the phenomenon of every business that promotion plans and strategies like market pull and product push strategies could be helpful to make good business strategies accordingly. * A process can be a push operates as long as there all the goods or services to be processed, a system is said to be operate push if all its stages are push. * A process can be operate pull if it is dictated to work or remain idle because of the feedback from downstream. So the system is called pull operates if all the stages are pull. (Brassington and Pettitt, 2007). Push and pull strategy (Brassington and Pettitt, 2007) PUSH PULL 2.1 PESTLE Analysis of the real estate business 2.1.1 Introduction While analysing the factors affecting the real estate industry, it is vital to over look the factors that in one way or another affect the number of important variables that have there influence on the specific business or organisations supply and demand and its cost (Katter and Schlesinger, 1991; Johnson and Scholes, 1993). The radical ongoing recession in the entire business world brings change in the society and customers behaviour towards their purchasing power and on real estate has its wide spread affect. (Tsiakkiros, 2002) Number factors been catalogues have possible issues addressed in the recent days which directly or indirectly affect the industry. PEST analysis is one of them which categories environmental influence as political, economic, social and technological forces. In recent studies two additional factors of environmental and legal added to make it PESTLE analysis. Analysis and impact of these factors will be examined and to observe their affect on the entire indust ry later the findings will be used to make the contingency plans against the threats to the business strategy and its growth plans (Byars, 1991; Copper, 2000). According to Kotler(1998) PEST analysis is very influential tool for making business strategies for making growth and to understand the reasons for decline , positioning the product in the market, enhancing the product offer and its promotions, seeking the potential market and direction for operation. PEST is usually applied by companies for reviewing the business direction, and marketing proposition. Real estate business enhance its fortune in the modern world by this influential tool of PEST for making strategic planning , business and product development, and also for affective research of the market. PEST also ensures to the businesses that their performance in the market is aligned in positive direction while having the powerful forces of change which affect the business environment (Porter, 1985). PEST also helpful for the businesses which are which are new in the market operations in a very new market or country. Concluding the basic concept of PEST, it helps to effectively ch ange to the realities of the new environment. Main aspects of PEST analysis includes: 2.1.2 Political Government policies which include tax policy, employment laws, trade restrictions, reforms, tariffs and political stability influence many other environmental factors which can affect the organisations performance. Policies like European countries join the single European currency or remain outside. There are many other aspects in which government policies will affect the organisation and the countrys economic situation a as a whole as they provide opportunities and threats. Where capital markets responsible for determining the for the alternatives for funding the organisations and business and they are under control of the governments policies. Even in UK Bank of England, which also influenced by the government policies like rate of interest charged for the loans some times determined by the government. Thompson (2002), refers capital markets will be more buoyant when government spending increase the money supply. Company performance according to the shareholders expectations, their decisions to sell the companies shares and willingness for providing more equity will also be affected by the government policies. Labour market which represents the national and regional availability of specific skills which all influenced by the government and other regional agencies. The power of trade unions and inflation which influenced on labour cost all affect the business environment in one way or other. 2.1.3 Economical The economic condition which affects every business that how much its easy to flourish the business in easy economic conditions and what difficulties a business can face during the recession period of the economy . Economic conditions affect the success and profitability of the business at any time as it affects the capital availability, cost and product demand (Thompson, 2002). The timing factor for the investment also influenced by the economic conditions. When the economy as a whole or certain part of the economy sectors growing demand may exist for the product and services which are not in demand in economic recession circumstances. Recession and downturn situation in the economy is bad for most of the businesses but at the same time in these conditions some businesses prosper and avail some growth opportunities (Robinson and et al., 1978; Thompson, 2002). Economic condition of the current era is also the worst one of its kind. Which resulted in the low demand for the housing and real estate and this can be judged from the declining trend in the UK and Dubai real estate businesses. Many large firms like Barretts homes in UK and Emaar stop there progress work on the ongoing projects and recent economic downturn in the Dubai World business is directly affected by Emaar company slump. Economic factor is the most important factoring the PEST analysis in the recent time. 2.1.4 Sociological What is occurring socially in markets in which businesses operates , population growth rate , age groups , career attitude , emphasis on safety , global warming .Demand for fashion , taste and rapidly changing trends in the sociocultural environment both provide with threats and opportunities to the businesses (Thompson , 2002 ; Pearce and Robinson, 2005). Products production and promotion strategies affect to the change in the behaviour and liking and disliking of the customer. Changing behaviour of the customers affects the ways of routine production and forced the businesses to change the formal procedures of designing and producing the product. The demographic factor must be considered by the organisations while doing the overseas businesses as the products and services needs variations. The structure, age and the people working has vital important while bearing the demand and demand for the particular product and services. 2.1.5 Technological Rapid changes in the technology has forced the companies to update there ways of doing the businesses to meet the demands and services of the customers. |technology in a way or other also benefited the organisations for cutting there cost by outsourcing etc. Various literatures in strategic management recognised technology (Capron and Glazer, 1987; Johnson and Scholes, 1993; Jan, 2002) for giving the competitive advantage to the organisation; technology is used for creating the model. Breakthrough in technology resulted in the invention of new industries which also poses the threat to the existing organisations in the market for its products and services , the affected firms must be alert themselves for coping with the new innovation threat from the new industries by enhancing the business techniques by adopting the new technology . New technology can provide a useful input and procedures for manufacturing the products and offering services. It all requires the well trained and skill ed staff and there is a need for heavy funding. 2.2 SWOT Analysis of the real estate business 2.2.1 Introduction Accessibility of resources and environmental opportunity is one thing and proper utilisation of these opportunities by the champion or the strategic leader is both different aspects of organisations efficiency. Evaluation of environment opportunities is very important by analysing and in direct relation to the strengths and weaknesses of the organisations resources and culture. The close relation between environment, values and resources results in the existence of real opportunities. Evaluating and analysing the organisations strengths and weaknesses in context to the environmental opportunities is generally known as SWOT analysis. While studying strategic and marketing analysis history SWOT is considered to be a very important tool. Who actually explored and invent SWOT not known, but the text books in 1972 on strategy and marketing has some of its features. It advocates on the importance of SWOT in a way that, it is a tool to measure the fitness of the organisation‘s strategies and its environment and also used to suggest that the ways to defend the organisation against its weaknesses and threats (Adams, 2005). SWOT is criticised in recent period because of its simplicity as both the management and people at the academic level use and apply this tool without considering the long term impact of their decisions using SWOT which normally useless. The SWOT concept has been conceived and achieved in that simple time when there were no theories like trade-offs of strategic theory not comes into existence (De Witt and Meyer, 1998) 2.2.2 Strengths Internal and external customer s can only analyse and determine the strong aspects of an organisation. Strength is a, Resources of the firm which gives the competitive advantage in the market and cause to serve or expected to serve in the market. In SWOT, strength of the organisation refers to the comparative advantage of the firms distinctive competence on the other firms in the marketplace. Strengths of the company arise from the resources edge of the organisation available to the firm from other organisation. 2.2.3 Weaknesses The firms weaknesses also not determined from organisations point of view but again from customers view point. Usually it is quite difficult for the firms to admit and acknowledge its mistakes and shortcomings but as far as the business ethics are considered, they must admit their weaknesses and work for its improvement. A weakness of a firm is a, â€Å"Limitation or deficiency in one or more resources or competencies relative to competitors that impedes a firms effective performance† * 25/12/09 2.2.4 Opportunities Organisations always try to continue to grow their business and opportunity is another major factor of SWOT which enables organisations to analyse the available opportunities in the marketplace to grow. Opportunities refer to the adaptation and use of new technology in the market, flexible government to encourage investment and new businesses, demographic and social patterns. Having an opportunity in the organisations environment is a big situation. Critical analysis of prior overlooked market segments, adaptation in competitive atmosphere, changes in technology and enhanced relationship between buyers or supplier relationship all refers to the strong opportunity for the firms growth. 2.2.5 Threats No one consider the threats what any business can face at any point of time during the course of their business , no matter with fact that they are not controllable , like, recent economic recession in the world , for which the world economy as a whole was not prepared . Here, it is very necessary for the strategic management of the organisation to be prepared themselves for the threats even in the peak time of their businesses. Threat considered being the major and unfavourable condition in the business life. Threats can also become the key factor in the firms current and future position. Threats refers to the easy entrance of the competitors in the market, slow grow rate , higher bargaining power of buyer or suppliers is another threat for the business and revised government regulations.(Adam, 2005) 2.3 Promotional strategies Every business needs to sell its product at an attractive price. For this reason the benefits of the products must be conveyed to the customers in a very smooth and easy way. In marketing, for addressing the benefits of the products to the customers directly, companies climb on the ladder of known as â€Å"promotion†. â€Å"Promotion is all about companies communicating with customers†. (Jobber, 2007) Walkers the UKs number one brand in grocery, which cover the lucrative market of over 37 percent. They are spending about  £17m on the advertising. It was heard that there is a nutrition shortage in children and the growing num

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Sex Education in Public Schools Essay -- Argumentative Persuasive Topi

Sex Education in Schools      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Children all over the country who sit down in their classes are being taught sex education. There are books, videos, special speakers and qualified teachers for the subject. Depending on where a child lives, the education he or she is being taught might vary. For example, Wyoming, North Dakota, Minnesota, Maine and Utah do not require schools to provide sexuality or STD/HIV education, (they teach abstinence). District of Columbia, on the other hand, must include contraception with condoms available (Innerst). I was once shown a book that was used to teach sex education to fifth graders in an inner-city school. The book was softbound, about one hundred pages in length, and had cartoon-like colored illustrations. I thumbed through the pages and could not believe what I was seeing. Some of the things in that book were things that even I had never seen before, and I was married with a child. The book taught (and showed pictures of) homosexual sex, masturbation, oral sex, proper procedures for condoms and diaphragms, female and male pleasure spots. The list goes on. This book was not teaching a fifth grader safe sex; it was teaching them how to have sex right and get the most gratification out of it. There was no mention of abstinence throughout the entire book. This sex education method teaches too much and at too early of an age; it undermines children's capability of abstaining, encourages sex and really isn't safe at all; it must be reformed.    My first experience with the subject was in the fifth grade in 1988. My teacher split the boys and girls into two rooms. She talked to the girls about things like menstrual cycles and hormones. I remember a lot of laughter and snickers coming f... ... 265.4 (1991). CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention." Sexually Transmitted Disease Surveillance 1995." Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. 45.53(1996). "Choose to be Excellent." Me, My World, My Future. 204. DeVincenzi, I. "A Longitudinal Study of 343 Steady Partners of Infected Men." Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes. 6.5 (1993): 497-502. Hogan, Ruby. Interview. 22 Nov 2000. Innerst, Carol. "Teen pregnancies higher in states that teach condom use". The Washington Times. Oct 1995: A4 Jones & Forrest. "Contraceptive Failure Rates based on the 1998 NSFG." Family Planning Perspectives. 24.1(1998): 12-19. Resnick, Michael. "Protecting Adolescents from Harm-Findings from the National Longitudinal Study on Adolescent Health". 278.10 (1997): 823-832 Teen-Aid, Inc. "Wait Until Marriage. Why?" Teen-Aid. 1994.